Site info
- HD Videos 250+
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- Visit Bright Desire
Bright Desire is a porn site originally designed to serve the naughty needs of ladies. Porn is good for men and women, but most of the porn out there is make from the male’s perspective, offering mostly what a man wants when it comes to sex. But Bright Desire is here to change that. They created a cool website where all the porn is dedicated to ladies. You will find lots of handsome and well defined guys on this site, but also sensual ladies enjoying some intense orgasms in front of the camera. The site was launched in 2012 and it gathered fans overnight, because of the HD quality of all the porn that can be found in its library. Read more about Bright Desire from the following paragraphs.
Exactly what you want, girl!
Everyone wants to know what women want. There were books written and movies filmed about this topic. However, everyone wants to know everything that goes on in the head of a woman. Well, Bright Desire focuses on one thing and one thing only, porn. They asked around and made an idea about how a porn library for women should look like, and they built on that. The result is kind of amazing. First of all, the collection of Bright Desire features lots of foreplay, mostly as oral sex. If you want to see handsome stallions getting down on their knees and going head first between the delicate legs of a lady who is burning with desire, the pussy licking scenes of these videos will surely make you happy. Lesbian sex, bedroom love making parties, face to face sex, sensual women masturbating and videos of hot guys playing with their shafts are all available in the Bright Desire library.
Design and Navigation
The member area of Bright Desire is just as the name tells us, bright. The design used for this site is spacy, minimal and modern looking. The site can be accessed from both computer and mobile devices. All pages are loading fast and the site is always up and running. The collection can be browsed with the help of several tools including a tagging system based on porn related keywords, a search bar, a categories menu and sorting options. All in all, you will have a great user experience in the member area of Bright Desire.
Collection, Uploads and Bonuses
The collection of this porn site for women is big enough, but it’s not all about porn. Besides the 250 intense sex and masturbation scenes, and besides the 100 galleries of hot photo shoots with both male and female models, Bright Desire is also offering erotica stories, a sex blog, articles and reviews for sex toys and love making techniques. But the porn videos and galleries are the backbone of the site. You can stream and download this content without limits. As the site is active, you will get more fresh and exclusive porn for women every week. As bonus you will get special videos that include the director’s commentaries, behind the scenes footage, interviews with the porn stars and many other surprises.
Porn Stars
In the videos of this site you won’t find some glamour models with big fake boobs and impossibly thin waist lines. All the women and men of this site look like healthy beautiful people. That means some of them might have wider hips, some of them might have thicker legs and some others might have big boobs, but they are all natural. Most of the porn stars of Bright Desire, both male and female, are between 25 and 40 years old white Americans.
Conclusion about Bright Desire
For all women, but also for the men who are passionate and into erotica content, this site comes as a breath of fresh air in an ocean where everything is overly sexualized. Despite the fact that everything on this site is meant to bring you up to an orgasm, the videos and photo galleries featuring naked people enjoying themselves or each other are way more than sex. It’s about the intensity of a sexual act, about the pleasure you get just by filling a woman’s natural curves or the hair on a man’s chest. Bright Desire offers an authentic bedroom experience, like the one you’d have when you’re having sex with a new lover for the first time.
Membership prices
Monthly$24,95 - 1 Month Membership
Multi-Mo$39,95 - 3 Months Membership