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- Visit For The Girls
For The Girls is a porn site that has porn for the girls, that’s obvious. But is it really just for the girls? How can you define porn for girls? What’s so special about the For The Girls collection? The answers to those questions and many others can be found in the following review. We took a closer look to all aspects of this site that claims to offer erotica that was specially created to fulfill the solo needs of women who want to enjoy themselves while watching some adult content on the internet. Let’s dive into this site and find out if For The Girls is really the site that will make the difference between porn for guys and porn for girls.
“Close your eyes and indulge your fantasies!”
That’s the message this site tries to transmit to all women who need some quality time with themselves. This might sound like such a cliché if it wouldn’t come for a site that really knows what to offer. For The Girls is online since 2003 and its success is based on the fact that it managed to blend the great aspects of a porn site with those of a magazine. Besides all the women orientated porn you will find on this site, you can also read interesting sex related articles, columns written by women who are masters in the bedroom, exclusive and steaming erotica stories and sex advice columns from anyone who really knows about sex, including both doctors and mistresses. As for the porn itself, it mostly focuses on good looking naked men and passionate couples making love in front of the camera.
Design and Navigation
The design of this site is all about finding simple ways of putting you in touch with the kind of porn you feel like watching. The member area has a simple, minimal and easy to navigate interface that’s always updated to al needs of the modern internet user. You will be able to watch all the sensual sex and masturbation videos of this site, but also read all the erotica and articles anywhere you are, because For The Girls works well on both computer and mobile devices. Don’t worry about the safety of your identity or about catching some kind of malware, because For The Girls is a top shelf porn site that has never been involved in such scandals. Everything is safe and everything works perfectly in the member area of For The Girls.
Collection, Uploads and Bonuses
The collection of For The Girls is all about sex but from the perspective of a woman. About what makes her wet, about what she’d like to see and about what’s orgasm worthy for her. The collection has lots of slow paced and passionate sex. Sometimes the video starts with a sensual massage or some intense foreplay with guys going down on chicks and making them moan with their tongues. That’s the kind of porn you will find in the 250 videos of this site and the 950 photo galleries. The videos are on average 20 minutes long and the galleries feature 50 photos each. There’s also lots of erotica fiction on this site, some of the stories being submitted by other women who are members of For The Girls.
Porn Stars
The For The Girls collection is only featuring hot men, between 25 and 35 years old, usually with shaved bodies and some tattoos here and there. Most of them have pretty well worked out bodies. Besides hung and good looking men, the site is also featuring some good looking women. No one has inhibitions and they are up for anything that could be fun for you, including lesbian sex, sex with food, threesomes and sex parties.
Conclusion about For The Girls
For The Girls is truly a porn site for women, because everything on it is featuring hot passionate sex. But what I like about this site is the fact that although it’s featuring adult entertainment for the ladies, it’s not pushing on the feminine note. The directors and writers who contributed to the collection of For The Girls knew that sex can be passionate even when it’s all about carnal pleasures. You should join it and live your unbounded fantasies.
Membership prices
Monthly$29,95 - 1 Month Membership