Indian Porn Babe

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Indian Porn Babe review

Indian Porn Babe is one of the few one model porn sites to feature exclusively an Indian porn star. Natasha is an independent model and all the content of the site is focused on her exotic beauty. Her name is Natasha, which is pretty odd for an Indian babe, but I guess she just likes this name and used it as a stage name. If you want to enjoy a cute college girl showing off her nubile beauty, then she is your exotic choice. Her videos aren’t featuring sex, so that you know from the start. You can learn more about her site in the following paragraph of Indian Porn Babe review.

Indian Softcore

If porn for you must involve fucking, then this site is probably not for you. Indian Porn Babe is all about softcore, teasing and innocent beauty. You might be surprised to hear about the sheer number of guys enjoying this and you might be even more surprised to find out that you will enjoy it too. You just have to view this porn as an ode to the beauty of a young woman. The videos of Natasha features her in all kinds of situations. She wears sexy outfits, she slowly takes them down, she has light moves and a sensual look in her eyes. In her movies you can enjoy wet t-shirts, showering, all kinds of costumes and outfits, lingerie and stockings, and sometimes she wears glasses, which is a huge turn on for many porn fans. 

Natasha The Indian

Natasha doesn’t look like your typical Indian. She isn’t the stereotypical saree veering short girl with black hair and a red dot on her forehead. She is a modern time young woman, who is in college, who has an open mind and who uses her beauty to please men but also make some cash for her studies. She has perfect olive skin, she has curly black hair, brown eyes and nice perky lips. Her face is super interesting. It has something that will make you stare in her eyes and wonder what naughty thoughts go on in her head. She has a strong jawline, seductive look and a smirky smile that I love. 

Member Area

Although this is an independent website, the member area of this site is not bad at all. It is simple and it features just the basic navigation and browsing tools, but that’s cool for a single model site that doesn’t have so much content diversity. You can simply scroll through the collection. All in all, the site is modern looking, up to date to the aesthetic trends, it’s available on mobile. If you are willing to enjoy a single model site, you can enjoy it on a simple member area. 

Collection, Uploads and Bonuses

The collection of Indian Porn Babe comes with an incredibly big collection for a site that features a single model and no cocks. There are almost 300 movies available here. Well, I should really say clips, because they are on average 5 minutes long. The videos are available in HD and many of them come in 4K quality. The site is still active but there are no set upload dates. Besides videos, you will also find about 50 photo galleries on the site, besides the fact that all videos have galleries of screencaps. As for the bonuses, she had some of her Indian friends shoot some videos too, so you will get some more softcore teasing action with other girls on the site. 

Conclusion about Indian Porn Babe

In most cases, when I find a single model site, I look to see if the model is any good and if she has enough experience to be able to satisfy all the needs of the average porn user. But in this case we have an unknown model with only softcore movies. I’m not saying the site is not good, but it is recommended to those who like girlfriend experience porn. More so, this site is recommended to those who like cute girls and want to imagine a life in which this cute Indian college babe is their girlfriend. 

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