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- HD Videos 220+
- HD Pictures 220+
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Would you like to travel around the world and have sex with the hottest, exotic women in some fancy hotels? Well, this guy at Nutabu does that all, and the most interesting moments of his journeys are posted on this pay porn site. He’s constantly seeking for beautiful women and the perfect shots that will express the female sensuality, and when he finds that kind of girl, he always bangs her! As you can see, this site is a mixture of glamorous and hardcore, the place where “naughty is nice and lust is forever.” The soft side of this porn site shows you nice strip teasing, girls playing with themselves and showing off their bodies, and the hardcore side gives you sloppy blowjobs, pussy and ass fucking, lesbian sex and fisting. Besides all that, this site promises only exclusive scenes, full HD and ultra HD videos and several weekly updates.
Amazing Girls from all around the world
This guy is living almost every other man’s dream – traveling and fucking young and beautiful girls from all around the globe. He picks them up at airports, streets, or bars and takes them to some fancy hotel rooms where enjoy their bodies. Sometimes he finds two beautiful women and takes them back to the hotel where he can watch them having some hot lesbian sex, with lots of toy fucking and pussy and ass fingering. Although these girls are mostly from Europe, you can see some well known Hollywood porn stars, such as Lea Lexis, Presley Heart, etc. Some of the hottest Euro girls here are Caprice, Lien Parker, Tina Hot, just to name a few.
Full HD Quality Videos
Nutabu is a well presented collection of hardcore photos and videos, and thanks to some nice browse options it’s really easy to use it. It’s a pretty new HD porn site, so all their content is available in Full HD and HD, and some of the newest updates can be downloaded in amazing ultra HD quality. Navigation is pretty good too, and there are two ways to browse the content, by date (updates) or by “journeys”. There are different sorting options (latest, featured, most liked) and search engine that allows you to search by using keywords and names, all of which helps you narrow down the content and find some specific scenes that you prefer. However, there aren’t any categories and tags, and as this site grows, it’ll need that kind of advantage browse tools. Videos come with sets of high-res photos, short description of the scene and several different streaming and downloading options. You can also save the scenes in favorites. Updates are dated, so you can see that they’re adding 3-4 videos each week.
The Collection
There are 220+ videos and 220+ photo galleries at this point. Videos can be streamed in Flash player (up to 720p) and downloaded in several sizes in MP4 (up to 4096×2160) and WMV (up to 1280×720) formats. These ultra HD files are pretty large (often larger than 3GB), so keep that in mind when downloading. Videos are around 20 minutes long and each one comes with a set of high-res photos. Photo galleries contain around 50 photos, and you can download them in Zip files.
Conclusion about Natabu
Nutabu is a pretty new HD porn site that has been online for a little bit over a year, but it still has a nice collection of high quality videos and photos. They also offer Full HD videos, which makes the action even more real and even more enjoyable. You should just keep in mind that these files are huge when you download them. Navigation is great, browsing is easy and if you like this kind of sex movies, you should definitely visit this site.
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