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- Visit Women Spanking Men
There’s no doubt about what this porn site is all about because the title is pretty much self-explanatory. The only question is whether it’s worth your money or not. Judging from the statistics it looks pretty awesome, as there are over 350 movies and almost the same amount of photo galleries. The content is exclusive, but not as great in quality as I’ve expected. Still, you’ll have plenty of good quality movies and tons of high-res photos. Their movies focus on femdom niche, and as they’ve been “spanking deserving men for over 4 years”, you know that they’re good at this. This is a standalone porn site, but since they have such a large collection, it looks good on its own.
A Real Life Disciplinary Institute for Men
Women Spanking Men is a femdom porn site designed for all guys that love women that can take charge. If you like that type of girls, and fantasize about being spanked by those girls, perhaps this site can make your dreams come true. There are eight Mistresses here, who’s only job is to make men suffer, allowing them to receive much needed pleasure from pain. Guys just have to pull their pants down, to bend over and wait for their Mistresses to give them their round of spanking. Their butts soon turn red, because these girls aren’t soft or forgiving. Besides bare hands, they use paddles, wooden spoons or floggers to whip their asses a bit. There isn’t much of nudity here, especially when it comes to girls. They usually stay dressed, while the guys take off only their pants. You won’t see any penetration, as well, or stuff like strap-ons or dildos. This is a pure spanking site, with some nasty amateurs that enjoy real discipline. There aren’t many sites that offer such a large collection dedicated only to men spanking, and that’s exactly what makes it so attractive. They also invite all their fans to apply for a spanking session. If you’re a fan of that stuff, too, you should definitely take a closer look at Women Spanking Men.
Navigation and Tools
This spanking porn site is pretty simple and straightforward, which means that you’ll immediately know where to go in order to find sexy spanking scenes. The moment you get inside you’ll notice the list of domes, which works like a model index. There are also quick links on the home page that can lead you to recent updates, biographies or links to third party sites. The most common way to find the scenes to play is through model index, which seems to be the only filter that allows you to open specific scenes. That way you can check out all the scenes with your favorite model, but I believe you’d like all of them equally. However, without any sorting options or filters, it’s pretty hard to mix things up or rearrange the updates. You can only go page by page, and the pagination is not perfect, so you can’t skip multiple pages. Since this collection is not small at all, this could be really frustrating. Most of their videos come with matching photo sets, but you can’t browse them separately. Videos can only be downloaded, and some of them are split into smaller clips, which can be helpful only if you have slow internet connection, but usually it’s just pain in the neck. There haven’t been added anything new in a while, so they might just be rotating their content. There aren’t any bonus sites to compensate that, but it’s still a decent-sized collection that’s worth checking out.
Collection and Video Quality
You can find 430 videos and 400 photo galleries in their archives. Videos can only be downloaded and there’s only one format – Real Player. The quality of their videos is not outstanding, which means that you won’t get HD flicks, but you’ll find some good-quality videos. Most of them come with accompanying photo sets, which contain over 100 high-res photos. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to grab them in Zip files. Content is exclusive and there’s no download limit.
Conclusion about Women Spanking Men
Unique and original content make Women Spanking Men so attractive to all fans of such kind of porn. Therefore, if you like seeing girls being in charge and spanking guys as much as they please, this is where you want to be. Of course, there are a few issues with this site, as well. The most important problems are poor navigation and no stream options. There’s also one format available for downloading, and it does not offer HD vids. Photos are mostly high-res, but they can’t be saved in Zips. It seems that they don’t update anymore but only rotate the content. Still, you’ll have a lot to see, because this pay porn site has been around for many years and have amassed a decent amount of vids that can make fans of this niche very happy.
Membership prices
Monthly$17,95 - 1 Month Membership
Multi-Mo$39,95 - 3 Months Membership