Site info
- HD Videos 120+
- HD Pictures 120+ Photo Sets
- Models 100+
- Download No Limits
Some pretty nasty things are going on here.
Chantas Bitches is a bdsm porn site that offers you a library of content that most mainstream porn lovers would find a little bit to extreme. There are sexy sluts performing all kinds of BDSM (Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, Sadism and Masochism), fetish lesbian sex, ass worshiping, ass whipping, sex slaves, female domination, threesome, clamps on nipples and pussies, foot fetish, wild sex, spanking, humiliation, various toys and devices, fisting and double fisting, squirting, extreme anal strap-on sex, anal foot fucking and other kinky stuff.
Whenever a porn site has not so much content to offer, it is reasonable to expect simple browsing options. There is no need for complications because, even if you browse all episodes one by one, it wouldn’t take you too much time. You can browse the site by Updates and by Stars. Pictures can be found when you enter any update, so there’s no problem there. The thing that you will miss is browsing by categories. When you enter videos, you will be offered a movie title (like: Misbehaving Slave, Bad Secretary, Dumb Blonde Dominated, The Bully, Kinky Clinic, Dripping Wet, The Squirt Queen, Hungarian Ass Slut, Shock Therapy…), detailed description, hyper-linked names of the models, and info about the number of pictures, duration of the episode, and the number of clips episode is divided to. It would be nice to have hyper-linked category tags here, as well, in order to be able to find wanted category faster.
These girls are bad, and bad girls deserve to be spanked.
When you enter a specific girl, you will see her Measurements and Limits (about penetration, male and female contact, bondage and pain). Besides that, all her episodes are offered there. There are 100+ girls on Chantas Bitches, and these bitches are Caucasian, black or Asian, blonde, brunette and redheaded, with small or big tits (mostly natural), petite, average and busty bodies, and most of them are young, but there are a few MILFs, as well. These girls wear sexy stockings, lingerie, fishnets, full body stockings or they are, simply, totally naked. I have to admit that I expected some girls that I have never heard of. Imagine my surprise when I realized that some really big names can be found on Chantas Bitches. Besides the leading lady, Chanta Rose, some of the girls you can expect are: Sasha Grey, Eva Angelina, Phoenix Marie, Brandy Talore, Flower Tucci, Nika Noire, Amber Rayne, Bobbi Starr, Ava Devine, Claire Dames, Lexi Love and others. If you are a girl, and you want to become a Twisted Factory model, there is a link for a job application.
Updating has stopped years ago.
And that is a shame because Chantas Bitches offers only 120+ videos. However, considering that content on this site is extreme fetish, this number isn’t that low. Average duration of movies is about 40 minutes and that gives us hours and hours of BDSM footage. Videos can be streamed in 2 quality options, or downloaded separated to clips in WMV or MOV. They are not protected by DRM. If you stream them, you can jump ahead whenever you want. There are no HD videos and, since nothing new was put on the site in years, it is understandable that overall quality of videos is average, though pretty decent. There is no download limit.
Besides that, there are 121 photo sets (it appears that only 1 episode doesn’t offer images). Averagely, there is about 150 images per set. They can be viewed or downloaded as Zip files. Their quality is, also, average, and it varies throughout the site.
Membership Prices.
This site offers two choices, when it comes to membership options. You can either purchase membership for Chantas Bitches only, or purchase ”Bondage Pass”. Bondage Pass will get you access to 3 BDSM sites produced by Twisted Factory – Chantas Bitches, Fucked and Bound, and Captive Male. There are 2 membership plans for both options. Chantas Bitches offers a 30-day membership for $24.95 (recurring) and 90-day membership for $49.95 (recurring, you save $24.90 in 3 months). Bondage Pass offers 30 days for $44.99 (recurring) and a 90-day membership for $84.99 (recurring, you save $49.98 in 3 months). If you want to stop or prevent automatic renewals, you have to cancel your membership before it comes to its end. You can join in by Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or by Direct Debit or by Check. You can expect security and discretion. Your cardholder statement will show ”SEGPAY.COM-TFactory”, so no one will know that you purchased porn. No matter whether you choose Chantas Bitches only or Bondage Pass, there are no hidden charges nor pre-checked cross-sales.
Membership prices
recurring -
recurring -
1 Year$84,90 (3 Months)
Full Access to Bondage Pass