Site info
- HD Videos 440+
- HD Pictures 440+ Galleries
- Models 300+
- Download Unlimited
- Visit College Fuck Parties
College Fuck Parties is the porn site that brings you the most intense fuck fests from the frat houses. These babes and the guys are really horny and the booze helped them lose all their clothes and start amazing orgies in front of the camera. You will be able to watch all the movies from these amazing naughty experiences on your computer or mobile device, because the site works great and its design is flawless. If you want to have a little bit of fun tonight while watching some naughty gangbangs between super-hot drunk chicks and hung horny dudes, you should become a member of College Fuck Parties.
The design of the site
When it comes to design, the site kept everything simple and functional. There are plenty of functions and features that will make your experience on this site very pleasing and the navigation as user friendly as it could ever get. The site features a nice built in flash player that will allow you to stream any movie of the collection online in decent resolution. If you want to watch the content of College Fuck Parties in higher resolution, you will have to download it in your computer. You can either download the movies as AVI or MP4 and the speed of download is decent, with 1 to 1.5 Mb per second, depending of your internet connection. Besides the fact that the site lets you download anything you want, there is no download limit either.
The Content
When you are looking for teen orgies featuring hot college babes and you seem to go out of reliable free porn sources, you should check the collection of this site. Everything here is amazing, the main niche being drunk porn, so you are in for some really nasty and kinky action. The collection features over 441+ movies with different lengths, the average length being 180 minutes, which is huge. Besides a video, every entry comes with a picture set that contains about 500 images and that can be downloaded as a .zip file. If you want to have fun tonight and enjoy one of the hottest drunken porn collections, College Fuck Parties is the site you need to become a member of. The entire content is exclusive for this porn site and available only to paying members.
The Models
These parties are organized by the team of the site and the girls know exactly what they are getting into. The models of this site are semiprofessional porn stars, meaning that they are simple girls who would fuck anything for money and some free drinks. The babes in these videos have some really nice moves and skills, some of them looking and fucking even better than most of the porn stars. The site put together a nice model index for the members, even if the girls don’t have so much content to put in their profile page. However, there are several girls who are featured in more than one episode. All babes on this site are under 25 years old and the body type and ethnicity variety is pretty great. Check them all out after you become a member and don’t forget that they aren’t professional porn stars, so don’t get too attached to them.
Conclusion about College Fuck Parties
Some of the men around the internet said that the price of this site is pretty spicy, but again, this content is hard to find and the niche is a special one. Besides that, College Fuck Parties will offer you a full access to WTF Pass. There are 10 bonus sites you will gain access to, all with their collections and just as awesome as this one. Here are some of the names you probably heard of: The Art Porn, Meet Suck and Fuck, Hard Fuck Girls. The update rate is very good.
Membership prices
Trial$1,00 - 1 Day Trial
$29.95Discounted Price $19.95
Full Access to WTF Pass -
Multi-Mo$59,95 - 3 Months Membership
Full Access to WTF Pass -
1 Year$7,50/month - 12 Months Membership
Full Access to WTF Pass
Bonus Videos (WTF Pass)
- HD Videos3000+
- HD Pictures3000+ Galleries
- Models950+
- Sub-Sites11+
- DownloadUnlimited
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