Site info
- HD Videos 44+
- HD Pictures 44+ Galleries
- Models 50+
- Download Unlimited
- Visit Public Sex Adventures
Public Sex Adventures is one of the premium porn sites in the WTF Pass network, and as the name suggests, it’s all about sex in public places. But not any kind of places. The whole action of this site happens in Europe, and all the porn stars are young Euro babes. If you want to enjoy porn in which the sex is done right, this is the site for you. Not only that, but the memberships of Public Sex Adventures can fulfill many other fantasies and will bring you porn from various categories, because the bonus offered by WTF Pass is pretty awesome. Check out the rest of our review to find out all about Public Sex Adventures and know what you sign up for when you join!
See Europe And All It’s Hot Chicks!
I don’t know if you had sex in a public place, but the thrill you get when you can be caught any moment makes the whole thing more intense. The babes in these videos feel exactly the same, and that’s why the sex looks so good in these movies. There’s also the camera work that matters, and the fact that the porn stars are hot and young European girls helps a lot, as well. Not only that they are hot, but they are also up for anything. Cock sucking, pussy fuck, anal, facials, deepthroat, cum swallow, and creampies can be all enjoyed in these movies, as well as pretty European sights and some nice intro stories that will make you love the models. All in all, this collection is well done, and you will notice that the team behind it really love what they do, because they put in a lot of work producing it.
Design and Navigation
The design of this site is granting a proper user experience, even if it’s a bit dated. When it was first launched, this public porn site was fulfilling all needs of the porn user of that time. However, time passed, and internet porn changed, but Public Sex Adventures didn’t upgraded the member area. It’s not too old, but it’s not up to date either. You will get all functions that a porn site need, including browsing tools (tags, sorting options and search bar, but no advanced search engine), a model index with all the babes featured in the collection, a rating and a favorite tracking system, and some other minor features. There’s also a well-designed mobile version of Public Sex Adventures, which will let you watch all this porn everywhere you are.
Collection, Uploads, and Bonuses
The collection of this public porn site is not super large. There are 44+ movies available on the site at the moment, and no new content was uploaded in the past year. But the videos are long, with an average of 45 minutes, and each of them comes with a screencap gallery. However, there is more public sex porn coming towards you with the Public Sex Adventures membership, because you’ll also have Pickup Fuck, one of the 10 bonus sites you will get, which comes with MMF threesome in public places. Other bonus sites from the WTF Pass network feature collections on furry fetish, college orgies, massage fantasy, artistic porn, and travel porn. In total, any Public Sex Adventures membership will bring you over 2,500 movies from various porn categories.
Streaming and Download
The streaming on this site is done in one of the most basic Flash player, one that was really popular in the past 10 years. I’m sure you used it before for porn streaming and that you will be happy with it. The streaming can be done in either 480p or 720p quality, and the videos can also be downloaded. There are many format and resolution options for the download, and you can choose the one that fits your device and your OS the best. The download is unlimited on both Public Sex Adventures and the rest of the sites in the WTF Pass network.
Conclusion about Public Sex Adventures
Public Sex Adventures is truly a site you will enjoy. The porn offered is not jaw dropping, as the collection is small and the sex is shoot in POV style, but the videos are long, the babes are hot, the places where it was shoot are amazing and the bonus is making everything impossible to pass down!
Membership prices
Trial$1,00 - 1 Day Trial
Limited Access -
$29.95Our Price $19.95
Full Access to WTF Pass Network -
Multi-Mo$59,95 - 3 Months Membership
Full Access to WTF Pass Network -
1 Year$7,50/month - 12 Months Membership
Full Access to WTF Pass Network
Bonus Videos (WTF Pass)
- HD Videos3000+
- HD Pictures3000+ Galleries
- Models950+
- Sub-Sites11+
- DownloadUnlimited
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